More than a team,


Key Account Manager & CEO


Vanessa es nuestra ejecutiva de cuentas o CEO, se encarga de que todo en la empresa esté en orden. A veces parece que se teletransporta porque en un mismo día puede estar haciendo mil cosas diferentes a la vez que visita a varios a clientes.

Art Director & CEO


Antonio es un diseñador y director de arte llegado desde Italia, más concretamente desde Nápoles, capaz de sorprenderte con animaciones como transformaciones de hombre a mujer y viceversa. Lleno de energía e ideas.

Web Developer & E-commerce Developer

Jose Antonio

Jose Antonio is a web developer and e-commerce expert. He leaves no detail unchecked and is the kind of person who looks at every last pixel to ensure everything is in its place. He's a soccer fan and a follower of the team from the capital of Spain.

Project Director, Web Developer & SEO Strategist


Alberto is the project director and web developer responsible for SEO strategies. Punctuality is an obsession for him; anything even a second outside of the time he sets is considered being late. He spends his free time playing paddle tennis.

Designer, Editorial & Typography

Juan Carlos

Juan Carlos is a designer whose strength lies in catalogs, whether it's a catalog filled with technical data or a 500-page catalog, there's no catalog he can't handle. He's not very talkative but highly effective. He's making steady progress in darts.

Senior Designer Brand Specialist


Pasquale es un diseñador todoterreno llegado desde la Campania Italiana. Puede empezar el día diseñando webs y acabarlo realizando toda la identidad corporativa de una empresa. Su español es casi mejor ya que su italiano. Tifosso de la Juventus de Turín.

Trainee designer


José, a trainee designer, full of energy and eager to soak up knowledge and information.

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we are capable of

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